Besides the extensive application area of taping, professionals also need to be aware of the kinesiology taping contraindications and precautions. When professional practitioners are trained in the correct application of kinesiology tape using the principles learnt through the MTC® (Medical Taping Concept) amazing results can be realized. Combining the MTC® method along with using Curetape® creates a therapy that is not only extremely effective but also pain free and safe. During correct application clients experience immediate results during therapy.
What to achieve with kinesiology taping?
In practice kinesiology taping is used as an extra intervention to achieve a faster result. The patient will heal faster as applying kinesiology tape stimulates certain bodily process required to stimulate healing to be activated e.g., the vascular and lymphatic systems. Activating these systems quickens healing by increasing; nutrients to the site, increasing defence and stimulating waste removal.
Kinesiology taping indications and applications
- Post treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system, such as back and shoulder complaints, knee and calf conditions.
- Stimulation of hypotonic muscles and inhibition of hypertonic muscles.
- Treatment of problems caused by overloading (such as RSI & tennis elbow).
- Preventive application of CureTape® to protect muscles and joints in cases of potential overloading.
- ROM (range of motion) changes.
- Inflammation reduction.
- Reducing symptoms due to fluid problems such as edema, bruising and lymphoedema (special taping techniques need be applied).
- postural correction or to alter the incorrect position of a joint.
- Direct influence on the endogenous and analgesic system (pain reduction).
- Combating (tension) headaches and nerve pain by influencing the nervous system.
- Segmental / compartmental influencing of organs such as in the case of stomach complaints and menstrual complaints.
- Improvement of proprioceptor function.
- Stimulation of the fascia’s mechanical and sensory elements

Precautions and contraindications of CureTape® kinesiotape
Kinesiology taping contraindications and precautions include:
- Should not be applied on acute injuries unless properly diagnosed.
- Not recommended for patients with a fever.
- Not recommended over broken or damaged skin.
- Care is required during pregnancy. Treatments can be highly beneficial during this time only after consultation with a treating therapist.
- Dangerous with thrombosis as the thrombus may release via the arterial system.
- Care required when taping patients with heart conditions as increased lymph flow will generate additional fluid load on the heart.
The lifting effect of CureTape® kinesiology tape
The elasticity of the tape with respect to the elasticity of the skin ensures that CureTape® kinesiology tape exerts a lifting effect on the epidermis. Visually, you can observe waves on the tape application; these are called ‘convolutions’ or ‘corregations’.
Lifting the skin creates an immediate pressure reduction, which means that blood circulation and lymph drainage are increased. The pressure on the pain receptors decreases and the pain normally reduces immediately. Different taping techniques will generate numerous effects on the body that the therapist determines will benefit the patient. As stated one of the most important beneficial effect is the stimulation of the self healing ability of the body.
“CureTape® kinesiology tape activates the body’s own recovery mechanisms with optimal freedom of movement”